Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Final project

Above are a few of my pics that made it into the final slideshow.

Above are some outtakes.
And here is the final product :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Multiple flash

This picture was taken at Eastside Tavern during trivia night for my multiple flash assignment. I used two strobes, both fired remotely. One was on the right held up high and the other one was behind me a little to my left held over my head.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

fill assignment

For the fill portion of the assignment I went to peace park, where I had shot part of my direct flash assign because I remembered when I had tried to shoot there before that it cast a lot of shadows with all the trees. I found this guy, Shane, taking a smoke break on the bridge and struck up a conversation with him, mainly because he had a hat on. For my select, without flash, his face was completely dark. It was lunchtime and the sun was really bright. I tried direct flash on him to fill the shadows under his hat but didn’t like the way it looked on his skin. On the select, I used my hand to bounce flash into his face. I wanted to leave enough shadow to make it believable but lighten them up enough so you could see the detail in his face and the reflection of the leaf he was tearing up in his glasses.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

multimedia example


For a class assignment, we were supposed to find a multimedia slideshow that we thought was well done. This is a slideshow that I think is very powerful. It is one that I have seen before and have always remembered, partially because the topic itself is so haunting and partially because the way it was put together makes it even more powerful.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

color correction

MU junior Katie Woods talks to a coworker about lunch plans. Katie originally was a photojournalism major but then decided to dual major in forestry and fisheries and wildlife. She currently works in the Division of Applied Social Sciences designing brochures.

This assignment was to get us to learn how to do color correction in camera. This picture was shot under fluorescent lights with a green gel on my flash to get the green tint of the lights out of the picture.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

single flash bounced light

Anita, 2, begins to cry when her father tells her it is time for bed.

For this portion of the single flash assignment, I bounced the light of my friend's white shirt about a foot away from me. I didn't get quite as much light on her face as I wanted, but I loved her expression in this picture, which is why I chose this one.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

single flash direct light

Isadora Grossman gasps as she watches her mother walk on a slack line all by herself for the first time.

This assignment was done using single direct flash. Originally I had intended to do this assignment indoors, but the weather was so nice that the parks were full of people. In peace park, there was a guy with a couple of slack lines set up and Isadora and her mom came over and tried it out. The sun was on it's way down and their faces were filled with shadows, so I tried to used direct flash to fill the shadows.